Kagome Hinyu II World


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Choosing A Husband

By: Kagome Hinyu II
Rated: PG-13 (At the moment)
Summary: Kagome must pick to either marry Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha in a matter of 2 weeks
Disclaimer: If I own Inuyasha this would not be a fanfiction. It would be a movie.


Kagome sat at lunch with her friend Sango at the park on a Friday afternoon.

"This is so unfair Im gonna miss you Sango."

"Im gonna miss you to but its only 2 weeks and its not really unfair Kagome. You get a choice then you also get time to get to know them, most girls dont get that."

"Youve had years to get to know Miroku."

"Yeah but Ill never get to choose between him and his brother." As if sensing them talking about him, Shippo appeared out of know where.

"Hi Kagome, Sister." Said Shippo.

"Hi Shippo." Answered Kagome.

"Shippo how many times must I tell you me and Miroku are not married yet there fore I am not your sister yet." Sango sighed knowing she would never win this fight for she hadnt in the last 9 months.

"In three months you will be so what does it matter, sis" Kagome giggled, Sango just rolled her eyes.

"Anyway like I was saying at least youll get to know if marrying a pervert or not."

"I guess your right. Thanks Sango for your help but I better head home now its almost 1pm and were leaving at 2pm."

"OK bye Kagome see you in 2 weeks, call me if ya can."

"OK I will bye Shippo see you in 2 weeks." She hugged them both good-bye and left for her house.


"Ms. Kagome, Mr. Ketsew welcome to my home." Said Mr. Killy.

"Thank you." They both said at the same time.

"Now Kagome Id like you to meet my two sons how you will be choosing from. My youngest son Inuyasha."

"Hello Inuyasha nice to meet you." Said Kagome politely.

"Hi." Was all he said before turning and walking away.

How rude

"Forgive him hestroubled. Anyway this is my oldest son Sesshoumaru." Sesshoumaru bowed to Kagome.

"Hello Ms. Kagome excuse my brother hes always like that." Sesshoumarus voice was smooth and calm and no emotion played on his face.

"May I show you to your room."

"Yes you may." She smiled up at him and he only stared back for a few seconds before turning and walking to the house.

Well I guess shell do. Shes prettier than that Maven girl and smells nicer t. Let just see how she deals with the fact that Im a demon.

They had gone to the 2nd floor of the building before he stopped in front of a door.

"This is your room, mine is three doors down on the left and Inuyashas is four doors up on the left." He opened the door, allowing her to walk in first then walking in after her; closing the door behind him.

"This room is beautiful, Ive never seen such fine silk." Said Kagome in aww of the room.

"Kagome since you are to be marrying my brother or I then there is something you must know."

"Ok Im listening." Kagome turned to look at him.

"No listening needed." Sesshoumarus long black hair was now silver, he had two purple stripes on each side of his cheeks and two more on each of his wrists. There was a crescent moon on his forehead and a fluffy long white thing on his shoulder that she guesses is his tail. Also his ears were now pointed. Kagomes eyes took all this in before saying anything.

"Youre a demon."

"Yes." Kagome sighed then smiled up at him. She mumbled a few words that he could not hear; he could swear she glowed blue for a second.

"I thought father and I were the only ones." Kagomes once all black hair now had dark blue streaks in it, there were two little black dog ears on the top of her head and when she parted her bangs you could see she had an M with an arrow running through it on her forehead.

"So youre a hanyou?" Said Sesshoumaru after a few seconds.

"Yes and a miko; my dads a full demon though." Kagome walked up to him stopping only a hands length away. "Can I?" Knowing full well what she was asking Sesshoumaru nodded his head yes. Kagome brought up her hand and petted his tail. "Its so soft." After a few seconds she noticed he was purring. His eyes were closed and he had a content look on his face. She stopped petting him and his eyes opened. "Looks like I found one of your weak spots."

"So and I know where one of yours is to." Sesshoumaru almost grinned.

"Know you dont." Sesshoumaru lifted up his hand to gently rub behind Kagome right ear. She immediately began purring and nuzzling her head against his chest. After about a minute Sesshoumaru pulled his hand back making her whimper in loss.

"See I told you."

"Lucky guess." Answered Kagome with her head still resting on his chest.

Should I move her or let her stayShe smells of cherry blossoms and lavender.

He so warm and he smells like fresh cut grass and flowers.

They stayed like that for a long time, her with her head on his chest and him letting her only pulling apart when a knock came to the door.

"Hey Sesshoumaru dad wants you plus your hoggin the wench." Sesshoumaru turned around and opened the door.

"You must learn to respect a lady if you ever want to get married little brother."

"Yeah, yeah, yeahI supposed you told the wench about us since your in that form." A loud growl was heard from behind Sesshoumaru.

"Wench is not my name you idiot." Said Kagome stepping out from behind Sesshoumaru.

"Who the heck are you?"

"Oh youve forgotten me that fast have you Inuyasha?" Inuyasha stare at her for a few seconds before realization finally kicked in.

"The wench is a bitch?"

"Half bitch." She grinned at him knowing he still failed to notice her right hand was glowing blue. When he did notice it was too late, she quickly pushed the orb into his stomach.

"Whatd you do to me bitch." Kagome just smiled.

"Sit boy." There was a loud noise as Inuyashas face hit the floor.

"What the?!?" Sesshoumaru just chuckled.

"I see you have him under control, so I will go see what father wants see you later tonight Ms. Kagome."

"See you later Sesshoumaru." Sesshoumaru walked down the hallway still laughing under his breath. By this time Inuyasha had peeled himself off the floor.

"What the hell did you do to me wench." Yelled Inuyasha.

"My name is Kagome, Ka-go-me. Now say it boy."

"Kagome." Replied Inuyasha

What the freak did she do to mefather will hear of this and he will make her take it off.

"Good boy Inuyasha now do you have a garden here?" Asked Kagome in a sweet tone.

"You want to good see a bunch of dumb flowersgirls." Inuyasha rolled his eyes but lead her to the garden.


When they got to the garden Kagome was in aw of how beautiful it was. Inuyasha just grumbled under his breath as she went around smelling the flowers.

"Does Sesshoumaru send most of his time here?" Asked Kagome after a while.

What the?!? I knew I shouldnt have left her with him that long.

"Yeah why?" Answered Inuyasha finally in an annoyed voice.

"Because he smells like flowers..." Kagome turned to him. "but you must spend time here to since you smell of soil." Kagome smiled at him as he grumbled.

"Thats not my scent its Kikyous."

"Whos Kikyou?" Asked Kagome, she had also been a very noisy child plus she had a right to know incase she chose to marry him.

"Kikyou is my girlfriend that I am not dumping just incase you dont pick me." Kagomes eyes turned to slits.

"Who come you get to keep your girlfriend, when I couldnt keep my boyfriend?!?!" Kagome was yelling now hurting both her ears, Inuyashas and those of Sesshoumaru who could hear her on the other side of the house. Sesshoumaru quickly got up and used his demon speed to get to the garden before she even finished her sentence.

"Inuyasha what have you done now?" said Sesshoumaru in a cold tone.

"I didnt do anything to the wench." Argued Inuyasha.

"Sit boy." Again a loud sound was heard as Inuyashas face hit the dirt and a sigh from Kagome. "Sesshoumaru is your father still here?" Kagomes voice was now calm as she turned to face Sesshoumaru.

"Yes but first tell me what the problem is?" Kagome sighed to calm herself once again.

"He" She said pointing to Inuyasha. "gets to keep his girlfriend while I had to dump Kouga and I think this is unjust so please take me to your father so I may discuss this matter with him."


"He was supposed to dump his girlfriend last week." Answered Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha seemed to find to everything to look at accept his brother.

"FehI don't know what you're talking about." Said Inuyasha lightly kicking a rock around with his toe.

"I believe you do little brother." Sesshoumaru's voice was calm yet deadly.

"And what if I dowhat are you going to do about it?"

"I think your human mind has made you forgetful mutt."

"I haven't forgotten anything you bastard!" Inuyasha had changed into his human-demon form and was now flexing and relaxing his claws.

"Oh really so then since you remember that her parents work for me and that father told me that I am to transfer them to the job in Japan if you did not follow his orders." A small smirk appeared on Sesshoumaru's face.

"You wouldn't?" It came out as a question. Sesshoumaru's smirk got a tiny bit bigger as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. Inuyasha just stood there in shock.

Phone Conversation

"Mr. Graves?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is your boss."

"OhMr. Sesshoumaru what can I do for you?" said Mr. Graves nervously. `He's calling to fire me I just know it.'

"I a new station in China I want you to fill I will arrange a plane for you and your family for tomorrow morning at 9am and I will e-mail you your new address tonight." Mr. Graves sighed in relief.

`Wait a minute did he say China!?!?'


"Yes call it a promotion for not getting on my nerves." Then Sesshoumaru up the phone and put it back into his pocket. He turned to Kagome.

"Come Ms. Kagome dinner should be ready now." Kagome nodded and they left leaving a still shocked hanyou behind.


"That was a little harsh don't you think?" asked Kagome as the sat down at the dinner table.

"No." Said Sesshoumaru's cold voice. "He needs to learn to obey and it's better to teach a pup when it's young than when it's to old to listen." Kagome only nodded and the room was silent for a while till Mr. Killy (Ki-ly) came in.

"Hello Ms. Kagome, Sesshoumaru."

"Hi Mr. Killy"

"Hello father, the mutts outside starring at space like the idiot he is."

"Oh what happened now?"

"He didn't dump Kikyou." Was all Sesshoumaru said and all he needed to say.

"Ahhhhe never learns I guess he'll just have to learn the hard way this time." With that he sat down and silently ate his dinner. After a few minutes Kagome stood up.

"Excuse me Mr. Killy, Sesshoumaru." When they both nodded Kagome turned and walked back to the garden. When she got there she found Inuyasha was still there with his mouth slightly open in shock.

"Inuyasha?" When she got no response she called his name again a little louder. That time he turned around and blinked his eyes a bit.

"What do you want wench?" His voice was rugged. Kagome sighed and took a breath.

"The only reason your not eating dirt right now is because I feel sorry for you."

"FehI don't need your pity." Inuyasha growled.

"Did I say that I pitted you? What happened was your fault and you don't deserve my pity. I just feel sorry for you for the fact that you probably will never see her again, while I can see Kouga in a few weeks." Inuyasha winced at her comment, he flattened his ears and sat down with his knees drawn up and his hands in front of him.

`He looks like a puppy.' Thought Kagome as she walked up to him and sat next to him.

"Go away."

"No." Kagome said smiling.

"Why not?"

"Because I want to talk to you."

"What do you want to talk to me forwhy don't you go talk to that bastard brother of mine?"

"Because I want to talk to you if I wanted to talk to him then I would have stayed a the dinner table."

"Feh." Inuyasha's ear had once again risen.

"You're a hanyou yes?"

"So you got a problem with it?"

"If Sesshoumaru's a youkai then why are you a hanyou?" Asked Kagome in a calm voice.

"Easy he's a bastard and I'm a mutt it is as simple as that."

"Huh?" Kagome still didn't understand why Inuyasha was a hanyou.

"Sesshoumaru is the product of what happens when my father met a bitch in heat and I am the product of what happens when a youkai falls for a human." Said Inuyasha staring at the now black sky.

"Oh that must be hard on Sesshoumaru."

"Whatevernow I answered your question now you can answer mine."

"Ok that seems fair what's the question?'

"What the hell did you do to me earlier?!?" Kagome smiled.

"You mean thissit boy."

"Owww! Yes that you stupid bitch." Said Inuyasha as he peeled him self off the ground."

"Oh that's just an obeying spell I put on people who have no manners."

"Manners are for stupid sissy people."

"I think you have it backwards Inuyasha."

"You may think I do but I know I don't." Inuyasha smirked at her making Kagome laugh.

"Well it's getting late I'm going to head back ingood night Inuyasha." Kagome said as she stood and started walking away.

"Good night Kagome." Inuyasha said in a soft voice. Kagome turned and smiled at him before turning and walking into the house.

`He's learningslowly but he's learning.'


Inuyasha watched as Kagome walked into the houseback to his brother. He took a deep breath taking in the sent that was Kagome that still hang in the air.

`Damn she smells good...like cherry blossoms.' Inuyasha sighed and thought about what happened that morning.

`No wonder she put that damn spell on me I've been treating her like shit since she got here but maybe I still have a chance because there's no way in hell I'm marrying that bitch Maven.' Inuyasha thought for a minute.

`Chocolate! All women love chocolate I think...and roses, yeah that ought to score me some points with the wench.' An evil smile formed on Inuyasha face. `Your not getting this one Sesshoumaru not if I can help it.' Still smiling Inuyasha got up and silently followed Kagome's sent through the house.

Kagome walked through the house to Sesshoumaru's room still smiling; when she got there she softly knocked on the door.

"Come in." Kagome opened the door and walked in a bit before stopping. "Hello Ms. Kagome is there something you need."

"MmmI was wondering if you would mind if I used the phone to call my friend."

"Sure there is a phone in your room." Kagome nodded.

"Thank yougood night Sesshoumaru."

"Night Ms. Kagome." Kagome nodded again and turned and walked out of the room shutting the door behind her and proceeded to her own room. Unknown to her or Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha listened to the whole conversation and headed to his own room only and few seconds after Kagome had enter hers. Planning to do the same thing that had already ran through Sesshoumaru's mindease drop.

Kagome enter her room and rushed to the phone quickly dialing Sango's number. After 3 rings Sango's mom picked up the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Ray is Sango in?"

"Hi Kagome, yes she's here I'll go get her." Kagome heard the phone being set down and Mrs. Ray calling Sango to the phone. There was a minute of silence before Sango finally picked up.

"Hi Kag, how are ya?"

"I'm good things are actually going well."

"Uh huh...well?"

"Well what?"

"What are their names? What do they look like? Are they cute? You picked one yet? What took you so long to call me?" Kagome laughed at her friend curiosity.

"Their names are Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. They're both tall with black hair and dark blue eyes. Yes their cute. No I haven't picked one yet and I didn't think of calling you until just a few minutes ago." Kagome took a breath before continuing. "Anything else you want to know?"

"Yes, if you had to choose right now which one would you pick?" Kagome thought for a minute

"I would pick Sesshoumaru I guess." In his room Sesshoumaru smiled to himself. While on the other hand in Inuyasha's room Inuyasha was fighting with himself not to growl or go kill Sesshoumaru.

"Really why Sesshoumaru?"

"Because he's been polite where Inuyasha has been rude and Inuyasha right now is getting over the loss of his girlfriend, Kikyou. I refuse to marry somebody who is thinking about another girl all the time."

"Oh I see your point."

"Anyway enough about themyou seen Kouga lately?"

"Yeah he's still sulking. He hasn't talked much to anyone since your break up, you meant a lot to him." Kagome sighed.

"Yeah I know. I call him tomorrow afternoon and talk to him."

"Ok...well I'm going to go to bed now it's almost 11 o' clock nite Kagome."

"Alright, nite Sango I'll call you tomorrow night to keep you updated."

"Ok." Sango, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha all hung up the phone not even whole seconds after each other and then a few seconds after them Kagome hung up the phone. She walked over to the corner where her stuff was and found her nightgown and quickly changed into it and went to bed.

`She thinks I'm cute.' Was the sentence that ran through both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha's heads as they prepared and went to bed.

15minutes away a girl with long black hair and dark brown eyes is crying herself to sleep as for younger sister gently rubs her back.

"It will be alright Kikyou. Inuyasha probably had nothing to do with daddy's promotion, he loves you remember." Kikyou sobs lessened as she turned her head to her sister and opened her arms, which the younger girl crawled into.

"Thank you Kaede now lets get some sleep." Kaede nodded and they both fell asleep shortly after.


The next morning in Sesshoumaru's room

Sesshoumaru is standing in front of his room staring at himself.

"Cute? I see nothing cute about me" Sesshoumaru turns sideways to look at himself at a different angle " Hot maybe but cute? Women are strange me cute ha." Sesshoumaru takes one more look at the mirror before turning and walking out of his room to breakfast.

In Inuyasha's room

"That girl is fucked up in the head to think me cute....I am not some teddy bear I'm a demon and demons are not cute."

"Your half demon"

"Don't remind me.....wait a minute who the fuck are you?"

"Wouldn't you like ta know."

"Yeah I would."

"Well I'm not telling you should be smart enough to figure it out on your own but maybe I'm giving you to much credit."

"You little son of a bitch."

"How do you know i'm little, I maybe bigger than you and is that last part supposed to be insult I am part dog demon ya know....then again maybe ya don't"

"Shut up!"

"Make me or is little Inuyasha chicken?"

"Who are you calling a chicken your the one whose hiding"

"Oh I'm not hiding I'm just not letting you see me." Inuyasha heard a giggle come from his right and turn to see nothing there. "I'm not over there darling."

"Darling?........Maven how the fuck did you get into my room?!?!" Inuyasha felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind and a body press against his back.

"You left the window open so I just jumped in. Did you miss me Darling, I missed you." Inuyasha pulled her arms off him and turned around to glare at her.

"No I did not miss you, you stupid bitch! Now get out of my room before I kill you!"

"Such mean words...you shouldn't say such things to your wife."

"You are not my wife and you never will be." Inuyasha growled at her.

"I will too, once that miko girl marries your brother you will have to marry me and when we get married we'll live in a big house and we'll have lots of pups to fill it with." Maven grinned up at Inuyasha.

"There is no way in sevens hell I'm mating with you." Maven lost her grin and glared up at Inuyasha.

"You will marry me and we will live in a big house and we will have children Inuyasha I swear it." Maven jumped away from Inuyasha on to the window seal but before jumping out she turned around and winked at him. "It's your ears that make you cute Darling." With that said she jumped out of the window.

"......my ears?" Inuyasha goes over to the mirror and stares at his ears. "What's so cute about my ears......must be a female thing." Inuyasha takes one last glance at himself and turns to the door to go to breakfast.

In The Dinning Hall

Inuyasha entered the dinning hall to find his father, brother, Kagome and Maven already there.
"Wait a minute! What are you doing here, I thought you left?" Said Inuyasha pointing at Maven.

"Leave? I just got here last night Darling. I'm staying here untill Ms. Kagome choices which one of you she will be marring." Maven gave him a sweet smile. Inuyasha growled at her.

"No you are not staying here!"

"Inuyasha sit down and eat your breakfast. Maven is staying here with us and I will hear no more of it from you." Came his father's calm but fearful voice.

"But Dad that...."

"One more word Inuyasha and you can say good bye to your dear Tetsusaiga." Inuyasha quickly closed his mouth and sat down. From then on breakfast was silent expect for the small growling noise that could be heard coming from Inuyasha every now and then.
